Concrete Admixtures > Products > Rheocare PP 300


Plasticizing & Retarding Admixture

RHEOCARE PP 300 is a plasticizing & retarding admixture for concrete which provicies a plastic and cohesive concrete mix with increased durability and reduced shrinkage in the hardened state. It provides excellent retention of slump with economical dosages.

• Concreting in high temperature conditions.
• Large pours to prevent cold joints.
• General purpose ready mix concrete.
• Architectural concrete pile, concrete, prestressed concrete.
• Concrete up to M-30 grade of concrete.
• Highway concrete, bridge deck concreting.

• Retarding plasticizer and High water reducing properties.
• Improves workable time by controlled retardation.
• Improves compaction due to increased workability, without bleeding and segregation.
• Reduces shrinkage.
• Lowers permeability.
• High ultimate strength without increasing cement content.
• Compatible with all types of cement & cementitious material.
• Chloride limit as per IS 9103-1999 (amendment 2007).

Meets the requirement of IS: 9103-1999 (amendment 2007) & ASTM C 494-92 Type G.
Appearance: Amber Color Liquid
Base: Polycarboxylate Ether
Sp. Gravity: 1.05 To 1.20
pH Value: 6-8
Chloride Content: <0.01%
Air content: <1%
Shelf Life: 12 Months

Generally dosed in the range of 0.8 To 1.4% by weight of cementitious material. But go for trial mix for finalizing the dosage.

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