Concrete Admixtures > Products > Rheocare R

Superplasticizer And Set Retarted
RHEOCARE R is a general purpose retarding admixture for all types of concrete.
- Retardation in hot weather.
- Increased Slump without loss of strength.
• To produce free flow concrete with low water content.
• Moderate to high workability retention.
• Improves workable time by controlled retardation.
• Compatible with all types of cement & cementitious material.
Meets the requirement of IS: 9103 -1999 (amendment 2007) & ASTM C 494-92, Type G.
- Appearance: Color Less Liquid
- Base: Polycrbohydrate and Polycarboxylate
- Sp. Gravity: 1.220 ± 0.02
- pH Value: 6
- Chloride Content: Nil
- Shelf Life: 12 months
Generally dosed in the range of 0.2 to 2.0% by weight of cementitious materials. But go for trial mix for finalizing the dosages.

RHEOCARE R is non-toxic and inflammable. When in contact with skin, it can be washed with water.

Precaution & Limitation
RHEOCARE R should not be added in dry mixes under any circumstances if used for cement reduction without loss in strength, the dose of RHEOCARE R depends on mix design.

25 kg, 50 kg, 250 kg HDPE Drum and Tanker Load.

Keep in dry place under the shade.