Waterproofing > Products > Cryston IW+


Crystalline Waterproofing System Integral Additive. For Concrete In Dry Powder Form

Permeability reducing; chloride ion penetration & migration reducing admixture for concrete with crack bridging abilities till 500 microns.

COLOR & TEXTURE: Light Grey Powder


• CRYSTON IW+ is to be added directly to the concrete mixer during batching.

• The product can be added at any time during the batching process. However, the addition time may affect plastic properties. Trial batches are recommended.

If being batched into transit mixers, allow the product to thoroughly mix at medium/high speed for ten minutes prior to placing.

If superplasticizers are to be used, they should be added normally after the addition of CRYSTON IW+ in the mix.

• CRYSTON IW+ improves flow, pumpability and placement properties of plastic concrete. Best results are achieved if the concrete mix is placed within 45 minutes from time of batching After 45 minutes, concrete may experience slump loss. Adjust slump with superplasticizer following manufacturers’ instructions. Do not add water to increase workability.

• CRYSTON IW+ can have minor effects on the initial and final setting times of the concrete. Adjust your finishing or stripping schedule accordingly.

• CRYSTON IW+ greatly improves internal curing and helps reduce drying shrinkage and crazing cracks. However, the product is not a replacement for proper curing procedures. Wet cure the concrete with a fog mist spray, sprinkler, or wet burlap for at least five days. Protect from rain, direct sunlight, or excessive wind.

Reduction in
water permeability
As per DIN 1048 50% to 90%
Increase in
As per IS 516 0% – 5%
As per DIN-157-08 Up to 40%

Recommended dosage – 0.8 to 1.2 % by weight of binders for optimum performance. Trials should be carried out to adjust dosage for desired performance. Maximum dosage ideally should not exceed 2.0 % by weight of binders.

Health & Safety Precautions